If you’re viewing this site then you’re already at least half interested in poetry. Poetry, especially modern poetry I’ve found to be a little daunting to say the least, some that I’ve come across shouts “here’s my pain” and then proceeds to hit you over the head with it, or is overtly sexual in an effort to be edgy, also some seems to be overly obscure. I entered a competition not long after I started writing poetry, I entered one of the poems in the book, called “Big Wullie fea Inverness”. I was dubious about entering it because it contains a swear word but my partner at the time so loved it and she insisted that was the one to go for, so I entered it despite my reservations. Of course it didn’t win but the winning poem was described by one of the judges as “obscure in its obscurity”. Anyway when I finally got to hear the winner I couldn’t relate to it, it had no meaning or context for me and when I played it for some friends, ordinary people like me, they felt the same. That inspired me to keep on with the style of poetry that you’ll find in my book. Hopefully you’ll find meaning and relatable themes within the verses. When I write, I write about what inspires me there and then, A walk in the hills, a memory, a dream I’ve had, my car, walking in the rain, amongst many other things but all are personal experiences that I’ve had but that many of us share.
Poetry shouldn’t be a slog it should, in my view at least, be easy, enjoyable, simple and yet catch the readers imagination.
If you do decide to buy this book then please leave an honest review, I enjoy feedback whatever form it takes, if you want to interact with me directly then you can do that on, at least I think that’s how it works I’m very new to this.
Anyway I hope you do enjoy this first volume.

Paul E Skirton.

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